
Flutter je jedinstven u našem tehnološkom arsenalu jer je open-source UI softverski razvojni komplet od Google-a. To je naš trenutno preferirani alat za kreiranje lepih, nativno kompajliranih aplikacija za mobilne uređaje, web i desktop projekte iz jedne baze koda.

Ovaj svestrani alat nam pruža više prostora za izražavanje kreativnosti tokom izrade aplikacija koje se osećaju nativno na iOS-u i Androidu.

Naš pristup

Kada pristupamo projektu sa Flutterom, fokusiramo se na pružanje bogatog, nativnog iskustva za korisnike iOS-a i Androida, koristeći jednu bazu koda. To nam omogućava da razvijamo brže uz osiguravanje konzistentnosti funkcionalnosti i UI-a na obe platforme. Koristimo Flutterove vidžete za prilagođavanje svakog detalja, postižući željenu estetiku i korisničko iskustvo.

Naš tim koristi moćne backend sposobnosti Node.js-a ili Laravel-a za pružanje sinhronizacije podataka u realnom vremenu, autentifikaciju i još mnogo toga.

Brzi razvoj

Flutterova funkcija "hot reload" nam omogućava ažuriranje koda i njegovo trenutno prikazivanje. To dovodi do bržih ciklusa iteracije i pomaže nam u brzom razvoju aplikacija visokog kvaliteta.

Više platformi

Stvaramo aplikacije koje se osećaju prirodno i na iOS-u i na Androidu, obezbeđujući najbolje korisničko iskustvo bez obzira na uređaj.

Privlačan korisnički interfejs

Bogat skup prilagodljivih vidžeta u Flutteru omogućava nam da kreiramo atraktivna i interaktivna korisnička sučelja.

Firebase integracija

Flutter se besprekorno integriše sa Firebase-om, pružajući usluge na pozadini kao što su autentifikacija, baze podataka i analitika.

Čarolija koda

Automatizujemo razvoj, testiranje i isporuku Flutter aplikacija kroz integraciju sa Code Magic. To osigurava brz razvoj, testiranje i implementaciju vaše aplikacije.

Osigurana budućnost

Kao tehnologija koju podržava Google, Flutter se neprestano razvija i inovira. Vaš projekat je uvek na samom vrhu tehnoloških trendova, čineći ga otpornim na zastarevanje.

  • Deutrix successfully transferred the client's site and improved their page speed scores. The team was responsive and delivered work on time. They communicated quickly and fluently despite being in a different country. Their comprehensive services were key to the partnership's success.

    Faith Rock

  • Deutrix surpassed the client's expectations with both the design and functionality of the website. The team provided amazing services, delivered the website ahead of schedule, and ensured good communication with the client through virtual meetings, email, and messaging apps.

    Andrej Novinc

  • The redesigned website impressed the client, who appreciated the timely delivery of the project. Deutrix communicated with the client through virtual meetings, email, and a messaging app. Their communicative approach, combined with their high-quality work, resulted in a positive partnership.

    Jack Aksan

  • Thus far, Deutrix has successfully built over 20 WordPress websites for the client's customers. The team is able to match the required turnaround time while reliably and consistently producing high-quality designs.

    Chris Stroud

  • "Deutrix's web development services and communication have received positive feedback from the client. The team is commended for their transparency, trustworthiness, responsiveness, and reliability. Their professionalism has complemented their technical expertise."

    Siya Fakher

  • "Thanks to the contributions of the Deutrix team, the company now has a working app that respects the online safety of their clients and meets all of their requirements. Internal stakeholders particularly praised the service provider's agility of development and design prowess."

    Sleebos IT

  • "Deutrix' work successfully automated the client's processes and reduced manual data entry and filing errors. Leading an organized approach, the team is highly responsive and quick to adapt to the client's working style. They impressed with their attention to detail and excellent communication."

    Corey Olson

  • "If I could give more than 5 stars to Deutrix, I'd definitely do it. I've found competence, professionalism and a solution to my issues in minutes."


  • "Boris is one of the Wordpress experts out there. He highly experienced and able to solve complex problems with ease. I highly recommend him."

    Vedran Tomic

  • "Thus far, Deutrix has successfully built over 20 WordPress websites for the client's customers. The team is able to match the required turnaround time while reliably and consistently producing high-quality designs."

    Chris Stroud

Budite u toku

Otkrijte naše najsvježije objave i uronite u svet inovacija koje Deutrix donosi. Ovde ćete pronaći sve o najnovijim trendovima u tehnologiji, našim kreativnim pristupima i bogatim iskustvima.

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Deutrix nominovan za Monster’s Award 2024: Kategorija WordPress agencija

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Zašto je unikatna WordPress tema superioran izbor u odnosu na vizuelne editore

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Rebrendiranje: Transformacija Deutrixa

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